Participant Feedback

Since offering this program starting in 2014, YSAC has collected feedback from over 1100 participants. This is what they had to say about YSAC’s Life is Sacred Suicide Prevention Workshop.

Building Confidence as a Helper

In every area below, participant confidence increased in learning and knowing how to help youth who have expressed suicide ideation.


Very Confident
Somewhat Confident
Knowing useful things youth can do to be mentally well, including culturally specific activities.
Very Confident 50%
Confident 45%
Somewhat Confident 15%
Knowing what to do if a youth is in heightened distress
Very Confident 3%
Confident 45%
Somewhat Confident 25%
Knowing what to do if a youth is showing signs of suicidal behaviour
Very Confident 35%
Confident 50%
Somewhat Confident 25%
Knowing when it is appropriate to intervene
Very Confident 45%
Confident 45%
Somewhat Confident 15%
Knowing activities to engage youth
Very Confident 40%
Confident 45%
Somewhat Confident 15%
Knowing when it is appropriate to recommend professional help options
Very Confident 40%
Confident 40%
Somewhat Confident 15%
Developing prevention mechanisms in your community
Very Confident 30%
Confident 40%
Somewhat Confident 15%

Meeting Course Objectives

Participant feedback shows that the Life is Sacred Suicide Prevention training program has met the course objectives in learning about suicide prevention.






Define Suicide and suicidal behaviours
10 50%
9 45%
8 15%
< 5 15%
Define and outline suicide risk
10 50%
9 45%
8 15%
Develop an understanding of community practices that contribute to mental well being
10 50%
9 45%
8 15%
< 5 15%
Introduce natural ways to promote healthy well being
10 45%
9 30%
8 32%
< 5 5%
Expand your awareness about your role in suicide prevention and Intervention
10 60%
9 18%
8 18%
< 5 5%

Take Aways

What Participants took away from the Life is Sacred Suicide Prevention Workshop